"Hello, everybody," Mr Obama says in the 30-second YouTube video Monday posted on his Facebook page. "I would like to only a minute you invite meeting on the economy a town hall, the I keep Facebook's headquarters of this Wednesday, April 20 am take." "It will be live streamed, and I will answer questions from people across the country."
On Tuesday afternoon, more than 22,000 people had signed up.
It is all part of the Mr Obama re-election efforts to social media and other online tools use to galvanize supporters. But unlike in the last presidential campaign, Republicans are better prepared to compete in the 2012 competition online.
"The idea that the Internet of Liberals, owned by links in the course of the Obama, was false, has to win", said Patrick Ruffini, a Republican political strategist in online, now the exploratory campaign of Tim Pawlenty advice is, the former Governor of Minnesota, after he as a digital consultant to President George W. Bush's campaign 2004 and later at the Republican National Committee.
While the elections last year midterm, Republican caught with the Democrats with technology and social networks, and now many Republicans in the House and Senate are elected using this tool more than Democrats, according to some political and technology experts.
"This is the first choice in modern history, that both parties are understanding the potential of the technology that change the results of the election," said Andrew Rasiej, co-founder of TechPresident.com, a blog, which includes policy and technology and a digital consultant Democrats since Howard Dean presidential campaign in 2004. "Republicans and Democrats are ready to use online platforms and their potential no longer skeptical."
What Republicans after Senator John McCain bruising defeat in 2008 acknowledges is that Mr Obama digital strategy was deeply integrated into his real campaign. Mr Obama team to the its website, E-mails and text messages more than broadcast - his message campaign. It facilitates online the tools for people donate for the area of operation, in particular in caucus States, volunteers, and responsibility for other aspects of the campaign, such as groups of neighbours for a chat Assembly and create the Obama ' 08 iPhone app.
"You learn more to lose than win sometimes," Matt said lira, who on the digital team Mr. McCain's presidential campaign worked and who is now head of new media for representative Eric Cantor of Virginia House Republican majority leader.
Mr Lira said that House committed Republicans, meeting in January 2009 to get into the digital game and to aggressively during the elections last year midterm members and potential candidates on Twitter and Facebook login.
Mr said "You no top recruit for the House become, unless you want to use a robust on the Web," Lira.
Sarah Palin, which is a brand new Web site Tuesday with functions that enable supporters easy to donations, has her political action Committee has long been an established and robust presence on Twitter and Facebook, where they almost started 2.9 million fans. Other possible Republican presidential candidate in 2012, Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann and Mike Huckabee, including use also Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Mitt Romney last week with a video, an update on his Facebook page, the nearly 845,000 members, a Twitter-post introduction the Hashtag # mitt2012, and a new Web site announced his exploratory Committee.
Mr. Pawlenty introduced an innovative twist: a social gaming layer borrowed from Farmville and foursquare, the awards, badge and refers to the supporters more participating in the campaign. As an example get supporters 10 points for connections with their Facebook account website of the campaign and the 5 points for their Twitter account Add. If you set one up on your Facebook page message or your own group, you will receive a badge.
Facebook, can in particular candidates to harvest valuable data. By permission of followers you log in with their Facebook account, campaigns can, depending on to a user's privacy settings, a supporter of the E-mail address, home and personal network access. "The days go on a website and registration and waiting to hear back from a volunteer co-ordinator about how you can get involved," said Mr Ruffini.
Neither the democratic or Republican digital strategists argue that social media, mobile and other digital tools alone is a campaign to win. While Facebook and other social media channels without a doubt powerful tools for the presidential election will be competitors in the year 2012, voters can expect even a flurry of traditional TV campaign advertising and direct.
"We consider the number of Facebook fans, Web visits, and it is not anywhere close to the range of television," said Mr Ruffini. "But things like the Facebook News feeds allow us, information in the average to deliver people of feeds."
Republican voters voted Democrats in their use of these tools, with 40% of Republican online users to social media to be politically active in a campaign, compared to 38 percent of democratic voters, according to a study by the Pew Research Center for Internet and society. Tea party supporters were especially likely social media combined with a group or candidates used.
"It is not necessarily that Democrats or liberal or young people become less active," said Aaron Smith, the author of the study. "It is more, that older adults, conservative voters and tea party activists come to join the party."
Republican presidential candidates still face a formidable online foe in Mr Obama. He announced his campaign for re-election of this month with an E-mail and SMS message blast, posts on Twitter, a short video on YouTube and a new app that combines supporters and their Facebook friends on his campaign Web site with a question, "are you in?"
"We are social media and the latest technology to the energy and commitment of the people on the ground, community by community, neighborhood by neighborhood, House to House, all around the country, fuel will use", said Katie Hogan, a spokeswoman for Mr Obama campaign for re-election.