
Pope urges diplomacy in Libya

Pope Benedict XVI blesses the faithful upon his arrival in St. Peter's Square Sunday to celebrate Easter mass.Pope Benedict XVI blessed the faithful to his arrival in squares Sunday St. Peter to celebrate Easter mass. (Gregorio Borgia/Associated Press)

Pope Benedict XVI urged the end to the fighting in Libya and asked for diplomacy.

Benedict said in a message of political Easter Sunday in North Africa and the Middle East must be based on respect for all.

He also said those "suffering a conflict have access to humanitarian aid."

Beno?t earlier prayed aloud that Easter would help believers bear witness to their faith with "words and life." Consolidated flagging faith in much of the Western world were the main objectives of the Vatican, both in the framework of Benedict and his predecessor, John Paul II.

Beno?t will return to the square in exactly one week to direct that a host should be the participation rate of at least Easter double when he beatifies John Paul II, that the Pontiff born in Poland, of long-standing service on the last step before possible canonization official.

In a Saturday evening mass, Benedict XVI said humanity is not a product random evolution, that it was created in the "divine reason."

He said that it was wrong to think that some point "in some small corner of the Cosmos, it has evolved at random of certain species to be capable of reasoning and try to find rationality in cre.ation, or bring living rationality."

Church teaching holds that Roman Catholicism and the theory of evolution are not necessarily disagree: A Christian can, for example, accept the theory of evolution to help explain the evolution of the situation, but is taught to believe that Godnot chance, is the cause of the world. The Vatican, however, cautioned against creationism, or too literal interpretation of the Bibilical creation account.

The voice of Benedict XVI, who was hoarse and he is several times during the three-hour service, which ended after midnight. It was the second late night in a row for the 84-year-old Pontiff, following his participation in the way that the Friday of the procession cross at the Colosseum, which commemorates the death of Jesus.

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