In the entire Raj Rajaratnam randomised trial, the jury, as soon as Monday could go, it has an elephant in the courtroom: Rajat k. Gupta.
Mr Gupta, once one which most respected businessmen, is not here the world attempting to still it has criminally been charged. But hardly a day if it is the jury in Mr. Rajaratnam study - the Government has largest insider trading case in a generation - Mr. Gupta, the former head of McKinsey & consultancy company not heard.
A wiretap on which Mr tells Gupta, a former Director at Goldman Sachs, Mr. Rajaratnam, the Galleon group hedge fund ran, the Bank of secret Board judges heard discussions.

You heard a tape of Mr Rajaratnam boasting to a colleague, that Goldman Director him on the Bank's earnings over a public announcement of typed had. In another recorded call Mr. Rajaratnam said its agents, that he had received word, the somewhat good idea was to happen at Goldman.
Public prosecutors was also telephone bills, as well as trading records, that Mr. Rajaratnam soon after his phone calls with Mr Gupta Goldman shares traded.
Mr Gupta still is mentioned in the Government not accusation against Mr Rajaratnam. The United States attorney's Office in Manhattan, the Mr Gupta role in the case for at least three years was investigated, appointed a co-conspirator of Mr. Rajaratnam but has not paid him him criminally.
Instead, federal prosecutors of their formal charges against Mr Rajaratnam have built around five cooperating witnesses guilty involvement in insider trading conspiracies with the defendant pleaded have.
Legal experts say there are too many reasons for prosecutors conducting a criminal investigation accuse some co-conspirators during the loading process others do not.
"What drives the strength of the evidence against each individual co-conspirators and tactical considerations, these decisions", said Anthony M. Sabino, law professor at St. John's University.
There was no indication that Mr Gupta in Mr. Rajaratnam case in the months before the study would play no role. But the beginning of March, one week before selection jury, the Securities and Exchange Commission shockwaves through corporate America sent, if there is a civil administrative proceedings against Mr Gupta filed. The Agency accused him leaking Board meetings to Mr. Rajaratnam of Goldman and Procter & gamble, serving also as Director to resign last month.
"The S.E.C. completely unfounded claims", said Gary p. Naftali's, Mr. Gupta lawyer, at the time. "Mr Gupta 40-year record is ethical behavior, to guard integrity and commitment to its customers trust unconditional."
Mr. Gupta, an Indian of Kolkata and graduated from the Harvard Business School, is the most famous Executive ensnared by far reaching the Government investigation into insider dealing with hedge funds. From grace his sudden case has stunned the business world.
As global managing director of McKinsey, Mr. Gupta, 62, was a trusted advisor to Chief executives including Jeffrey R. Immelt of General Electric and Henry R. Kravis of private-equity firm Kohlberg of Kravis Roberts. A prominent philanthropist, he was a senior advisory on the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
While the last decade it rose close to Mr. Rajaratnam, a major financial supporter of the Indian School of business, highly regarded graduate school, Mr. Gupta contributed to starting. At the time of his retirement by McKinsey in 2007, he went into business with Mr. Rajaratnam, a private equity company was founded. Mr investment Gupta also with Mr Rajaratnam.
It was during this time a nine month stretch in 2008, that the Government of Mr. Rajaratnam wiretapped phone. Have these recordings helped to bring the Government charges against 26 persons, 20 of them pleaded guilty.
Federal prosecutors seem weaker evidence against Mr Gupta as against some of Mr. Rajaratnam other co-conspirators have. Outsourcing tips with Mr. Rajaratnam, for example, two cooperating witness - Anil Kumar and Rajiv Goel - several wiretaps can be heard.
Mr. of Gupta's case played federal prosecutors only a wiretap on the Mr Gupta Goldman passed, Board meetings to Mr. Rajaratnam. A call of July 2008, Mr Gupta Mr Rajaratnam said that the Bank Board was a purchase of Wachovia or the American international group.
Prosecutors not evidence, but present, traded the Mr. Rajaratnam on this tip.
Prosecutors also prevent certain rules could be used against Mr Gupta two of the most onerous eavesdropping during the process played, legal experts say.
In a call, Mr. Rajaratnam, a colleague, says "yesterday I heard from someone who on the Board of Goldman Sachs, they are going, losing $2 per share." In the other, Mr. Rajaratnam says its agents, "I have a conversation said that something good happen Goldman."
Because these conversations between Mr. Rajaratnam and his team have been, a judge could they evidence, declare inadmissible hearsay that is, it also indirect or speculative against Mr Gupta used.
But prosecutors could try the talks against Mr Gupta under the co-conspirators exception to the rule referred to use hearsay. The theory is that Mr. Rajaratnam suspected the statements about Goldman to promote conspiracy between Mr. Rajaratnam and Mr Gupta have been made.
Without these two statements by Mr Rajaratnam on tips of Goldman, prosecutors were obliged to evidence such as telephone bills and trading records, Mr guilt produce leave Gupta.
In the S.E.C. civil proceedings, the Agency has to do a lower burden of proof as federal prosecutors in a criminal action. A S.E.C. administrative judges not hearsay is subject to rules.
An unusual twist Mr Gupta S.E.C. sued last month, dissenting, that an administrative proceeding by a jury in wrong Federal Court had excluded him. Mr Gupta had more protection is in one administrative procedures, including the right to check proof of S.E.C.. Judge has still not ruled on the question.
If the S.E.C. There is, a judge could fines Mr Gupta and bar him impose of as an officer or Director of a company.