Thousands of Japanese and American forces joined together Friday in a final three-day sweep for the still missing search for Japan the 9.0 earthquake and devastating tsunami three weeks ago affected.
The operation includes 120 aircraft and 65 ships and covers the three prefectures beat most of the disaster, the 11,400 people killed and more than 16,500 missing links.
The Quake and tsunami also cooling systems on the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, which you licking different forms of radiation.
In an address Parliament Friday criticised the plant operator Tokyo electric power company Prime Minister Naoto Kan, with inadequate defense against a tsunami.? But the Japanese leader the public that there is no risk of contamination outside the 20-kilometer exclusion zone around the nuclear power plant imposed.
Nuclear industry experts from the United States, are France and elsewhere in Japan Friday and it, heading TEPCO to provide support. Specialized robots are also helping, where it too dangerous for people is sent.
Radiation leaking crippled left nuclear power plant in nearby water, beef and even corpses Fukushima of Japan's earthquake and tsunami is detected.
Authorities are considering what corpses in the vicinity of the plant, say with 1000, it can be too dangerous to collect them, because of fears that the bodies with radiation contaminated are.? Police sources to warn that the families of the victims burned the body, such as the tradition in Japan is, it could publish more radioactivity in the environment.
And TEPCO says that radioactive iodine in the groundwater beneath one of the reactors at levels found 10,000 times higher than normal.? Japan's Kyodo News Agency says that this is the first time, the radiation in the ground water was found.
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