
Reinforce stereotypes Scout manuals?


While may be the work for the next merit badge, Scouts and guides of stereotypes ideas about sex, research suggests.

By studying a researcher found manuals for any youth organization, that girls were exposed to messages in accordance with traditional feminine ideas but also were encouraged, more critically than young think Scout in pursuit of their pieces flair.

On the other hand, boys badge tasks were less artistic than girls and required tasks itself instead of in a group.

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But it's not so easy. Name distinguished young and girls, to the nature of the points. Total used names of 27 per cent of the girls' badges playful alliteration and word games, while zero boys' badges Act.

For example a geology badge for young is referred to as the "geologist badge" as the female counterpart is called the "Rock Rock badge." And to obtain the badge, boys had to complete an exercise in the manual (with the answers in the back), were invited during girls, their own rock start collection and search on the Internet and books for more information.

Despite the cute name, more outside the box girls activities requires thinking, although in the general way of mathematics and hold-sparred on a par with traditional gender roles for girls. In a sense the author writes, are boys activities less independent than those of the girls with the "I am" Scout attitude, the young compared to "I'll try the humble" attitude is proposed for girls in conflict.

In addition, the recent introduction of a "Robotics badge" for young reinforces the stereotype that men of science, and women should be drawn to the arts.

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The data were for girls from the Webelos manual for jungen--Cub Scouts, to genau-- to be and the junior Girl Scout Handbook and junior Girl Scout badge book drawn. Girls and young in this series are in the same age in the third or fourth class.

Even though we know not much about the impact of gender messages, research suggests, books for children and other media affect how children dictate their place in society. Gender news in Scout to interfere with the five million American children, who currently participate in Boy Scouts Scouts and girl guides.

The analysis, under the direction of Kathleen Denny from the University of Maryland, was featured in the journal gender & society.

Photo credit: Corbis

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