How, with Qian Liu, a plane set up grieving parents in Toronto, police announced the arrest of a man they believe the 23-year-old York University student murdered.
Liu's body was found Saturday in their basement apartment.
Graduate of the Beijing City College, came to Toronto in September last year English York, part of a plan, their studies here to promote it.
Only an hour before Saturday, was attacked at 1:00 pm the victim her how much said told via webcam with her mother, she missed home.
On Wednesday, 29-year-old Brian Dickson with murder police charged first degree. He will be released on Thursday morning before the Court.
Liu's body was found friends and their landlord in 27 Aldwinckle Friday at 11 am on Saturday of two heights after they were alerted by Meng Xianchao, the victim's friend in China, which in part of the fight between the woman and a webcam of the night intruder.
While homicide investigation in Liu's death, wait for the cause of death to police for toxicology test results.
Police of released photos of Liu's missing IBM ThinkPad laptop, its lack of external webcam device for live-streaming and her to reclaimed Nokia Smartphone.
