
The Tablet market may surge to $ 49 billion

By Danielle Kucera

Apple (AAPL) and other consumer electronics manufacturers will generate by 2015, in growing demand to fill the gap between smartphones and laptops, devices 49 billion in computer tablet sales predicted analytical strategy.

Tablets are easily accessible to as many markets as companies such as Samsung Electronics (005930: KS), Motorola mobility Holdings (MMI), Hewlett-Packard (HPQ), and Dell (DELL) rush to "copycat" Apple iPad, according to research firm based in Boston. "The strategic trend here is for computing personal and mobile move from keyboards to touch screens, says Neil Mawston, analyst of analytical strategy." Competition is increasing, supply is increasing, this price should fall over time. ?

Rivals to Apple release their own devices Tablet-style to replicate the success of the iPad, which generated $ 9.6 billion in sales year since its inception in April 2010. In North America, Asia-Pacific and Western Europe represent great opportunities for suppliers of the Tablet, said analytical strategy. The Tablet may exceed all the other consumer electronic devices by the sale, except for the personal computers and televisions, she says.

The iOS of Apple software, which powers its iPhone and iPad, will be 69 per cent of the market this year, research firm Gartner said this month predicted that its share will decrease to 47% in 2015.

When compressed developers begin gears for devices more towards the creation of content of consumption, the market may extend "easily" beyond $ 49 billion, said Abhey Lamba, analyst of the International Strategy & Investment Group in New York. "At least for the next two years, you can assume that apple will be the leader," he said. "This will be a fast growing market and it will be many announcements in the next few years one or two, but very few of them will actually survive in the long term.".

While the Tablet price will be begin to decline in about two years, Lamba says, Apple "aggressive" pricing leaves little room for rivals significantly reduce prices.

Kucera is a journalist for Bloomberg News.

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