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Lisa Bryant | Paris ?March 31, 2011

As NATO assumed full control of military operations targeting Libya, the alliance's chief said the body does not support the idea of arming the rebel forces.
Hours after NATO took over the Libyan operations, the alliance's Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen laid out the goals: to protect the Libyan people, not to arm them. His remarks appeared to contradict suggestions by U.S. and British officials that the UN mandate guiding NATO operations could allow for arming rebels fighting the forces of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi.
The White House says no decision has been made on whether to arm the rebels but that it is considering all options.
Recent advances by Gadhafi's troops have intensified the debate. At a press conference in Brussels Thursday, NATO's Military Committee Chairman Admiral Giampaolo Di Paola acknowledged the question of arming rebels was far from resolved.
"If I listen to where the debate is going, there are those who say that there might be a different interpretation,” Di Paola said. “So it's not that clear if it would be in breach or non breach of the (UN) resolution."
There are also reports that the CIA and British intelligence operatives are in Libya gathering intelligence for military air strikes. Di Paola said NATO was not questioning where its intelligence was coming from.
"They will provide intelligence and we will use it,” Di Paola added. “It is up to that nation to decide what kind of intelligence they want to provide and we are not questioning which source it's coming from."
Di Paola also said that reports of "flickers" of al-Qaida among the Libyan opposition were not surprising given the geographic situation and instability in the North African country. Concerns about al-Qaida's presence are reportedly playing into the debate over whether to arm the opposition.
Separately, Britain said Libya's foreign minister, who apparently defected to London, was not being offered immunity. But Foreign Secretary William Hague said his departure underscored that Gadhafi's regime is fragmented and crumbling.
Follow our Middle East reports on Twitterand discuss them on our Facebook page. 31-03-2011 fred (us)
? don't want you to tell me where the C?A is going, or where the British SAS is going EVER because if ? know it, the enemy and fanatics will know it and be more motivated to look for them and give them an incorrigible death. Think, before you print!!!
31-03-2011 hamad part 1 of 3 (Oman)This is a good news which will assure Americans that the real purpose of coalition operation is saving souls from real massacre in Libya . No need to escalate the situation further while Gaddafi has used the peal of foreign aggressors or crusade to gain the trust of Libyans tribes which could deepen the crisis vigorously .
31-03-2011 hamad part 2 of 3 (Oman)The main purpose of Coalition mission is to enforce the UN resolution 1973 and protect innocent civilians from Gaddafi atrocious attacks till Saif convinces his father to comply to international laws and respect the demands of his nation . Western force should rein from more airstrikes which could complicate the situation and irritate tribes against rebels and coalition forces . What saddens my heart is that all victims are Muslims and Libyans .
31-03-2011 hamad part 3 of 3 (Oman)It is necessary to arm rebels because Gaddafi insists to eradicate rebels radically without any mercy which could lead to real humanitarian crisis but Libyans oil could cover the losses , If Gaddafi does not declare real ceasefire and start honest negotiation with Rebels . Libyans deserve better life after 40 years of patience and sacrifices instead death and bombing under various plea of Gaddafi . What a life !
31-03-2011 blaine (US)hey fred they may tell a few things about the cia but they want tell exactly what they will do. I am about 100 percent sure we have secret missions that will never get out to the public, see my grandpa was a secret agent during vietnam war. He would get letters from the president and then he would send them again and when they was done with the letters they would have to burn them seven times. But point is he still hasnt even told me anything and that was a long time ago
31-03-2011 James (USA)The only winners in this mess are western military and their contractors, and that's only for the short-term. The losers are the taxpayers who are paying through the nose for over-priced, one-time-use hardware. The Libyans we are supporting will turn on us. We are being very stupid for wasting our efforts on their behalf.
31-03-2011 WinsorThank you, do what ever is necessary to disarm Gadhafi. i believe arming the rebels is wrong. my opinion won't change......decision made by Washington Capital Hill..... Still No To Arming Rebels..
31-03-2011 tom (us)The globalists want Gaddafi out, and they want to look good doing it. So the CIA funds and organizes the protests. People die which gives the military a looking good reason to go in and take over the country. Of course it is really about oil.
31-03-2011 Meowws (Mew Mew)NATO is more like -> 'No Action Talk Only'
31-03-2011 rgw1946 (ysa)yes--agree Gadhafi must go..BUT..remember Afg when we helped rebels there once apon a time..and still sort of speaking..but this time...if it turns out bad..NUC'em(Neutron) at least then we can go in and get all the sand...
31-03-2011 bob (uk)i was shot in the leg
31-03-2011 Andy (USA)All we need to do is Red Cloud Gaddffi. You know, a sniper rifle would quickly turn that terrorist's well being into pink mist. Done deal, gas prices reduced by 75cents gallon overnight. Peace through strength.
31-03-2011 Mike (usa)Well duhhhhaaaa, We have people in Libya? Oh my! If you had to read it in the paper to figure that out there is little hope for you. blane, My father took secrets to his grave from WWII. My best guess based on what he was willing to tell us about the things he was ordered to do is that he was involved in executions of prisoners from navy ships. We will never know for sure. I think he kept the secrets to spare us kids from the knowledge and of course, to honor his word.
31-03-2011What happens if the CIA get caught and killed ? Does that mean another Iraq type war . We should let the Arabs handle their own affairs and not support al Quada and extremists who could turn on the USA with weapons that the USA is considering to give them
31-03-2011 Sam (US)This gives North Korea and other rogue countries more reasons to develop/enhance its nuclear capabilities. What happened to Obama and NATO, when Iran crushed civilians after elections? And what about Congo? We are making more enemies with these actions. This is how Nobel Winner Bama wants to keep the country safe! Arming the rebels would be no different than giving Stinger Missiles to Al Quada and Taliban. If civilians are today being oppressed by Qaddafi, tomorrow they will be by the Rebels.
31-03-2011 Naomi (UK)On the one hand I agree with the intervention of the West into the internal affairs of Libya, to save the lives of its citizens from the onslought of the ruling government. On the other hand, it is felt that the West are not intervening to save the lives of people but to protect oil reserves and the flow of it to them at reasonable cost. From this perspective I feel that the West should leave the Libyan people to solve their own internal issues.
31-03-2011 Fernando (Brasil)I'm from Brazil. My country have a history of peace and progress. Today, we are free of the U.S control, we live better. The people of U.S need learn to respect other peoples. I live in a country free of terrorist, because my people and my goverment respect the other cultures. Think better, study the history of the World is the solution!!! Nobody born with hate of U.S. Sadan Husen was ally of The United States of American. But why million peoples in the World hate the U.S.A???
31-03-2011 Larry (USA)The rebels are no match for Qaddafi's military. If part of his military would defect and go to the rebel's side, that would be the only way they would have against him.
31-03-2011 Global Politician (Zimbabwe)Why are the Americans keen to help only in times of war, why dont they give us money wen we are in financial crisis, think again dont waste resources for nothing while other pple are suffering from hunger, i am a strong supporter of the US but u have to intervene wen thingz like hunger are killing pple. those who are fighting , their stomachs are full let them God will hep them.
31-03-2011sometimes, revolutuons come with being patient and ready. Any push before that will lead to failures, either in the battels or afterwards down the road. It has to be within and it has to be from the people, but not any outsiders, regardless how it is obvious. AT a personal level, it is; at a country level, it is as well. It is not within the power of any sort from any outsiders. Just be patient and push when its really ready.
31-03-2011 James (USA)No boots on the ground? What do you call the special forces? Flip flops. Mission Creep all over again.... I hope Obama knows how to take care of Libya if they take Gaddafi out. Libya now belongs to the USA. Thank you Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton.
31-03-2011 giantslor (USA)The rebels are getting crushed even with the air support. The rebels need arms or Gadaffi will massacre his people. This is not Afghanistan, the rebels are not the Taliban, and they will not be sold anti-aircraft weapons.
31-03-2011 Larry (USA)One of the very first things the rebels did was sell captured Libyan chemical weapons to Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas. Many of the rebel fighters are jihadists that killed Americans in Iraq. Some rebel fighters and even their military commander and the head of the transitional council have been, could still be, or could become again in the future associated with Al Qaeda. The United States should not have anything to do with the Libyan rebels.
31-03-2011 Paul Stone (United Stares)For me such information about CIA operatives is nice to know. For those involved on the ground, it could be life or death. Therefore please don't disclose any more about this.
31-03-2011 Geoff (Canada)Why is it that everyone seems to come down on Obama. Look what he has done for the people of America, would you rather the war monger and oil thief Bush back in power? I know that Mr. Obama is not perfect but he has made a lot of very positive changes (IMO). I agree with the majority of poster on this forum, arming the rebels is a step onto a very bad path. it is a very real possibility that Liybia could become an all Islam country, we the infidels should not arm these people
31-03-2011 Patrick McCarthy (USA)The fact that Obama is even considering arming these people even though most American's don't even support what he is doing so far is appalling. Because most of the military action as come from the USA this war is his and he will own it. My guess is he's sealed his fate and will leave office as a one term President, no matter who runs against him.
31-03-2011 Global Politician (Zimbabwe)US have got some interests in the Libyan nation, it have got the motive behind together with the west i know that, i hate the dictatorship in Libya but the truth is that how could you help someone without gaining anything. This dates back during the Cold war whereby It helped S Korea but the motive was to contain communism and spread capitalism. Now you want to invade Libya for oil, Obama be carefulbnecause you gonna gain popularity or it will be a death blow to your political carrier.
31-03-2011 Frank (USA)NATO, not providing weapons to the rebels, I know why, they all want to continue to get Gadaffi's oil money. NATO should be disbanded, they are worthless!
31-03-2011 Stephen (USA)Sounds like the start of Iran-Contra #2 Electric Boo-ga-loo.
31-03-2011 Dave (Canada)Stating that the CIA or SAS or any intel gathering team is on the ground in Libya is not disclosing anything to anyone. If anyone thinks a modern force conducts air strike without forward observes on the ground, they have no idea how combined warfare operations work.
31-03-2011I read hate for the USA. This saddens me. No nation is without sin, etc. Let us try to solve problems instead of wasting energy hating.
31-03-2011 Mark (US)In todays briefing before congress, Sec. Gates describes our on-going Humanitarian mission. I am surprised that the current definition of humanitarian action is the training and arming of individuals for combat. It is interesting that humanitarian means attacking and bombing targets on the ground that include Libyan government forces and sites within civilian areas.
31-03-2011 Adam (USA)All I know is I'm waiting to hear the lies I'm supposed to buy into and study then get on the internet and argue about from my fearless leader!
31-03-2011 Minh Tran (Dallas, USA)So what coalition is going to do when rebel now only controls three towns and on the way losing more. Is it going to fly around and shoot the target it see from the above while the targets they don't see still moving around and taking over more ground? If Gaddhafi forces control every town, then the efforts and hundred millions of dollars put into this fight so far becoming wastful.
31-03-2011 shaun (new zealand)nato a toothless tiger...bound by pc...rebels will be squashed within 2 weeks thanks to nato turning blind eye and letting dictator terrorist gafaddi win..we all know,that with planes alone..these planes could wipe out every last of the 20,000 men marching on bengazi.don,t need to arm no rebels,nato know decent air strike on the front,take some bombers..not just fighters,unleash hell and be all over in one day.we are we seeing this farce
01-04-2011 brian (australia)So now once again US is to fight WITH jihadis against a quasi socialist state...the reason? Libya state is supposed to have killed libyans...only they didnt...But now that NATO/US have launched airstrikes on Libya, libyans are being killed, as Russia and ukrainian doctors in Libya tell us.
01-04-2011 brian (australia)Russian doctors in Libya: 'Bombs and rockets struck residential houses and fell near the hospital. The glass of the Cardiac Center building was broken, and in the building of the maternity ward for pregnant women with heart disease a wall collapsed and part of the roof. This resulted in ten miscarriages whereby babies died, the women are in intensive care, doctors are fighting for their lives. Our colleagues and we are working seven days a week, to save people.
01-04-2011 Jack (USA)Are we all aware that the so-called 'Libyan rebels' have sold Hamas and Hizbollah captured Libyan gas shells? The real questions becomes should we be supporting let alone arming them?
01-04-2011 WermhatBut if the rebels were to lose it would be almost assured one would see a purging of those who supported the rebels. The U.N. did not realize this was an all or nothing decision either Gaddafi wins or loses and if this is drawn out it only inspires resent. If Gaddafi seizes control in the future this will be for nothing.
01-04-2011 Rick (USA)We were rebels once and without the help of the French we would still be British! The French helped us for high ideals of human rights and dislike for the British and not for Oil. Sometimes a good cause, a just cause, a cause of freedom for the people, needs the help of right minded people willing to sacrifice to lend a hand to help throw off the yoke of tyrants. It has always been so!
01-04-2011 Ed (USA)I agree with Andy. Send in a hit squad and take the dictator out. Everyone wants that outcome but no one wants to stand up and say it. Spend a million on a team to take him out or billions or so for who knows how long to run this no fly zone fiasco which in the end won't drive him from power. Did it have any effect on Saddam? Oh, I forgot, Congress outlawed assassinations but then aren't we assassinating leaders of Al Qaeda with Predator attacks on a weekly basis?
01-04-2011 abdul majid (india)introduction of militancy among common people in libiya can prove fatal for nato especially america who is doing it only for oil .it is better tosolve issues like kashmir where massacres occured on &off .Also falastein ; afganistan ,iraq wher america has created poverty,homeless,loss of peace,and unstabilty.Also AMERICA should destroy all their nuclear weapons and then ask others to destroy t.America is preparing enemies in the world by indulging everywhere .it wiil cause their destruction .
01-04-2011 john (USA)what we need to do is arm the rebels to the hilt, then let them and the Qaddafe forces kill each other off.........then we eliminate any al qaeda or Qaddafe fighters that are left.....
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