Tokyo (CNN) --Zehntausende of people who work an area the Fukushima Daiichi plant evacuated can not home for months, a Japanese Minister may said Friday.
There is no end in sight for the nuclear crisis in the middle of fresh concerns alarming radiation levels in beef, sea water and groundwater.
While he has set a fixed timetable, Chief Cabinet Secretary said Yukio Edano people who had lived in 20 kilometers (12 miles) of the nuclear plans not permanently in "a matter of days or weeks." Would return it will be longer than that.
"The evacuation is going to be longer take than we wanted to be,", Edano said. "We must again the first control of the nuclear power plant."
About 78,000 people lived in the evacuation zone in the North-East Japan. A further 62,000 lived within a radius of 20 to 30 kilometers (12 to 19 miles) - where people have said the so-called exclusion zone, inside bleiben-- an official of Prime Minister Naoto Kan said Office.
The evacuated plight is one of the many story arcs still out play in the crisis. In the competitive power plant are about 240 kilometers (150 miles) North of Tokyo, dozens of working, soldiers and other noise, to prevent the catastrophe of deterioration. Meanwhile, farmers are to do citizens and officials with the effects of already released radiation.
On Friday, Edano said that more tests would be conducted on radiation levels in beef, and chicken and pork, which come from the most affected areas.
Japan's Health Ministry reported on the previous day, Fukushima that same province as the competitive nuclear found plants exceeded the regulatory radiation in beef from the Prefecture. Radiation likely would enter a cow - or, as a pig or chicken-indirectly, after it ate grass and other feed has contaminated.
The radiation levels in a single cow, detected by Japan's nuclear safety Commission-were easy on the guidelines,-510 Becquerel (a measurement of the radioactivity of weight), compared to the official limit of 500 becquerels.
The meat will not be sold and will be tested, said the Ministry of health.
This radiation is the first you with beef, although the authorities have banned the sale and transport of many vegetables grown in the area after testing radiation detected.
The radioactive isotope cesium, was found in the sea level now 527 times the regulatory limit. Questions remain about how it got there.
Radioactive iodine-131 even in the ocean. 330 M (361 m) in the Pacific Ocean samples Wednesday showed the regulatory limit levels 4,385 heard about. This 3,355 exceeded, of the previous reading often over the standard - and an exponential spike on the increase has been seen 104 times only on last Friday.
Officials have the potential hazards of radioactive iodine, runs out, because it all eight days loses half of its radiation downplayed. All fishing is banned within 20 kilometers (12 miles) of the plant and Hidehiko Nishiyama Japan's nuclear safety agency adds that such waterborne radiation in the course of time should be diluted.
Cool as efforts Friday of on spent nuclear fuel in reactors and spent fuel was Pools--concrete pumps truck and a new supply of fresh water from a United States Navy barge, which in the waters outside the plant Thursday angedockt-- concerns about other water sources, which have shown high radiation.
These include in exposed maintenance water tunnel into and out of the No. 1, 2, 3 and 4 reactor buildings, of which previously had 100,000 of the standard, the levels of emissions.
Authorities work to drain this tunnel to it in the last days of spread and send to prevent tainted water into the ground. By Friday, an official with the Tokyo Electric Power Company--the recovery effort operates the plant and heads-said water levels of one or several meters had dropped, and that the problem was no longer urgent.
Test more of what has become a priority and the source find the, an apparent spike in radiation in groundwater in the vicinity of the plant.
Shortly after midnight on Friday, said a Tokyo Electric of official, iodine 131 levels in the ground water from a pipe in the vicinity of the reactor No. 1 10,000 time the standard border had to. But this later traced utility, promise much for later more clarity.
Edano addressed this confusion in a press conference later Friday, pointing out that a "constant amount of radiation" in the groundwater get the finding that more tests to come be while.
"The figures published... looked strange, and led to the new calculation," he said. "Some level of radioactive substances seems included both underground water, and this leads to an understanding, the..." "Ground in the vicinity must be watched closely."
All these Verunreinigungen-- both in the ground and finally the sea-the result is a leak or any other kind of ground plants seeping of from one of the four most embattled reactors nuclear, a Tokyo Electric of official said Thursday. The official turned out, that the high point that the release of radiation in the atmosphere alone could be the lone source.
In the meantime, the Prime Minister Friday said that Tokyo Electric has a steep price for the nuclear crisis-is numbers and that the Government could end based on some of these costs.
A report published this week by the Bank of America Merrill Lynch estimates that damages alone, with payouts want that adversely affected by the nuclear crisis could rise most in Japanese between 1 trillion yen ($12.13 billion) in claims for damages, if the recovery effort of two months, or it goes on for two years up to 10 trillion yen
"If the cost of the ratios of Tokyo Electric, the Government should take part," Kan said, before you add, as a "private institution, (the company) has to do their best."
In addition, managing the financial impact promised Kan also address long-term security concerns as well as. He said that, while Japan be sure to give up nuclear power would not, it evaluates its power plan as soon as the situation at the site of Fukushima Daiichi stabilizes.
"Strong risk management measures in place, in some cases we also have if they extremely as are," he told reporters. "We are (to guard) every possible scenario."CNN's Kyung LAH, Yoko Wakatsuki, Junko ogura, Larry Shaughnessy and Paul Ferguson contributed to this report.