A hidden file on the Apple iPhone 4 and iPad has 3 g itself as able to store information.
Their was this privacy glitch discovered by two programmers, Alasdair Allan and Pete Warden, results on the location-centric O'Reilly where 2.0 Conference in San Francisco presented.
The file called "consolidated.db", tracks the GPS data on 3 G capable Apple devices and updated regularly with a user's location. The image above shows data from a single trip between New York and Washington. Information that is stored in the iTunes application, on the phone when a user synchronizes sent or IOS secures an iPhone or 3 g.
Book O'Reilly Radar website in a blog down, Mr. Allan said, "the presence of this data on your iPhone, your iPad and your backups is security and privacy implications." The two programmers have contacted Apple product security team but said that she had not yet had a response.
Apple has also responded to a request for comment from the New York Times.
Mr. Warden said that he had set up a free downloadable application, allowed the users, you can find data collected about their iOS device about them under. Once, the app maps the information recorded that your iPhone has downloaded and stored on your previous movements.
IOS owners not to panic - still warned the programmer. On the question of the information to be stored "as intended Apple use it - or not - are important questions, which must be investigated," Mr Allan wrote.
Christopher Vance, a digital forensics expert specializing in mobile phones, wrote in his Sicherheitsblog, that the address of multiple types of location-based every moment stored information from a user's phone at the time. Include the location of the next cellphone towers and all WiFi location walks an iPhone user, Mr. Vance wrote.
A mobile phone owners site information has saved by cellular carriers was, but has been approved in the past only by a court order by a judge. Make the file visible and unencrypted on iOS devices could anyone available, that access to the phone.
The video shows the two programmers present their results.