At least two other photo journalist injured in the explosion, which was believed to go through a round mortar be been caused. Held city in the western Libya leader Moammar Kadafi has attacked several weeks by forces loyal to the Libyan the rebels.
The wounded journalists were Michael Brown of the Corbis Agency, and Guy Martin by Panos Pictures. Hondros, 41, whose working published edition of the Los Angeles Times, on the front page of Wednesday's was after suffering a wound and died some hours later fell into the Misurata's Hikma hospital in coma.
Doctors at the hospital said that seven fighters rebelling and a Ukrainian doctor Wednesday in bombings were killed.
The most Misurata is in rebel hands, although it is surrounded by Kadafi of the forces that have superior firepower. The journalists had in the vicinity of the front lines working with a local militia officer in an area of snipers and other fighters loyal to Kadafi challenged. The journalists were revealed to more territory secure again on foot when they were hit by the fire.
Photos: Images by Hetherington and Hondros
"We were trying, in a safe place." It was too quiet. It said dangerous "Guillermo Cervera, a freelance photo-journalist, which a few metres away from the explosion at the time.""I heard the whoosh of an explosion, and all were on the ground."
Rebels moved in vehicles, and hospital, took the photographer hikmah Cervera said. Mohammed Zawwam, a local journalist, said Hetherington Misurata of people help to and to do a video project on the conflict had said.
"He was just a good guy, an amazing guy, me", Zawwam said.
Hetherington in Liverpool, England, born, studied literature at the University of Oxford, according to his website biography. His documentary, "Restrepo" of a train by soldiers in Afghanistan, won the grand jury prize at the Sundance Film Festival last year.
The New York Hondros extends conflicts around the world, including Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Sierra Leone, Kashmir, Liberia and the West Bank since the late 1990s. In 2004 he was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in the spot news photography for his work in Liberia and in 2006 he won the gold medal by Robert Capa.