
Opinion: Obama wasted chance

President Obama spoke Wednesday about the budget plan offered by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan.President Obama said Wednesday on the budget offered by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan.Keith Hennessey says that Obama wasted to chance says about aisle in the household of SpeechHe, Obama Ryan attacked the plan, which would put expenditure, deficit, taxes on sustainable PathObama refused, clean energy, infrastructure, education Hennessey change on medical research funding,: Obama was launches 2012 offer; poisoned well for bipartisan negotiationsEditor's Note: Keith Hennessey is a fellow at the Hoover research teaching institution, a public policy Center, at the Stanford business school, and writes about American economic policy at KeithHennessey.com. He served as a senior of White House of economic adviser to President George W. Bush.

(CNN) --hatten with his budget speech Wednesday President Obama opportunity of the political aisle to achieve. He could have proposed that a budget plan, combined oriented needs in the long term, structural changes to the big three entitlement programs-social security, Medicare and Medicaid--with the tax increases he wants.

He was the proposals of his tax Commission of co-Chairman, former Clinton Chief of staff Erskine Bowles and former Republican Senator Alan Simpson signed off. Their proposal would these claims, limit government spending and finally it brings reform up to 21% of GDP.

He was a bipartisan Medicare reform proposal signed off. He could have proposed a specific social security reform proposal for the program to make sustainable. He could have taken probably a political risk for the nation.

The President opened his remarks by attacking the only budget to solve America's long-term fiscal problems instead which would, offered of House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan.

This budget contains a Medicare reform plan, makes sustainable Medicaid spending, would mean that Government would shrink debt to the economy from three years from now and put America's spending, deficits and taxes on a sustainable path.

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The President attacked the Ryan plan and stressed what he will not do: he will reduce expenditure not in medical research or clean energy technology, or roads or airports or broadband access or education or job training. It can be no changes to the affordable health care for America Act, the two large and unsustainable pension entitlements of the already prohibitive promise of past politicians added.

If your goal is it, a cross-party discussion promote, search to say something constructive about the ideas of your negotiating partners. You are against their proposals without attacking their motives. You create a constructive environment, which encourages the politicians on both sides, for principled cross-party compromise take political risks in search.

Instead, the President threw down the gauntlet. He made it clear that if you the Ryan budget support, he will attack you. He will blame you ", keep the promise, that we have made to the care for our seniors," not despite the explicit commitment in the budget of Ryan, that it would affect only future pensioners.

The President offered two new expenditure cut proposals. He proposed to the amount, pay the Government for prescription drugs in Medicare and Medicaid. He suggested that down on States that their Medicaid accounting gimmick.

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All other expenses cut, which he proposed is a mirage. His proposed tax Commission, "the phantom replace savings by scheduled Medicare reimbursement cuts which never materialize be... with real, sensible reforms." The President proposed instead that this very same phantom increase savings and he claims hundreds of billions of dollars do deficit reduction from.

He committed to defence spending cut but gave no specifics. He said, he would a month after us forces to a "missions, functions, and our role in a changing world lead a fundamental review of America 's" third front, to commit in Libya. It is dangerous, at the same time extend the Mission of America's military and cut their resources.

And he keeps the taxation on the rich. But while the policy differences between the parties that are real and significant, they are small compared to the differences expenses claim.

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Speech of the President's budget was excellent, to start the 2012 campaign. He has set up a debate on the future of tax policy and the role of the Government.

He has become against those the an alternative-propose positioned and seems more verantwortlich-- fiscal path for America. He has electrified the track and now dares to take the other party.

He has the well for the all-party negotiations, poisoned, any chance of a grand budget to kill bargain over the next 18 months. With a single speech, he has two more years of partisan budgetary stalemate, America get closer as we and drifting closer to fiscal oblivion.

Only you by Keith Hennessey are views expressed in this comment.

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