(CNN) - the CEO of GoDaddy.com is under fire for an online video, who shoot him and kill shows an elephant in Zimbabwe.
Bob Parsons, founder of Scottsdale, Arizona based Web hosting service, posted the picture on his Twitter account on the 14 March video. The footage, March 8, shows him hunting an elephant on a farm and posing next to his body with a shotgun.
It then shows around the dead animal and cutting off their meat urged local.
Now, people for the ethical treatment of animals (PETA) has initiated an online boycott of GoDaddy.com and its services to Parsons 'stops shooting animals,"according to the website of the company.
Parsons website has also by negative comments protest the video been flooded.
"Many of the people who are upset about this are animal lovers," Parsons told CNN. "her heart is in the right place, but they understand not only the situation."
Parsons said that animal for that probably killed the local farmers, whose harvesting are often destroyed by elephants. The video shows him walking through a field of flattened sorghum plants, he said of roaming elephants was been put down.
"they are subsistence farmers." If their crop is harvested, they eat not, "Parsons said."
He called the fact that eat the elephant meat for the people "a premium."
"they literally have nothing and they are on the verge of starvation," he said.
Parsons has travelled to Zimbabwe for several years, but only in the last year began hunting elephants at the request of the farmers, he said. Overall, he said that he has killed five elephants.
PETA rejected Parsons statement, PETA President Ingrid Newkirk said in a statement, "if Bob Parsons really help, he wanted to use his money one of the many effective, non-lethal methods would African villagers to promote, to harvest to Schützen-- do not act like a little boy with a gun."
PETA said in a press release it is the business of GoDaddy.com, and the group called Parsons "Scummiest CEO of the year."
Meanwhile, asked whether the PETA boycott had affected GoDaddy.com's business, company spokeswoman said Elizabeth Driscoll, "There was no significant change in the economy."